•  All refrigerants analyzed    
  •  6 months free bottle rental

Refrigerant reclamation

All refrigerants must be handled properly after recovery. By doing it right, environmental harm is minimized and natural resources and money are saved. When the refrigerants are reclaimed, there is no need to dispose of them, but you can get a good compensation for them.

Almost all refrigerants are suitable for reusing, e.g.:

• HFC substances with GWP > 2500: R404A, R507A, etc.
• Other HFC substances: R134a, R410A, R407C, etc.
• HFO substances: R1234yf, R1234ze, etc.

Operating instructions for delivering recovered refrigerant for reclamation

    Agree on the delivery of the recovered refrigerant to Darment:

• Minimum amount 40 kg
• Call +358 20 55 88 250 or send an email: info@darment.fi
• We will tell you about the pricing

    Transfer the refrigerant to a recovery bottle, e.g. Darment's Omeca 61 l

• One bottle can contain only one refrigerant
• Bottles can be ordered from Darment, item H01021075.
• The tank's periodic inspection must be valid
• The substance can be filled into the container with a maximum of 95% of the maximum amount of pure substance

     Attach a recovery form :

• Recovery company and person
• Company from which recovered, locality
• Type and amount of refrigerant
• Container identifier/serial number


     Deliver refrigerant cylinders to Darment

• Darment Oy, Ruosilantie 18, 00390 Helsinki, Finland
• The sender pays the freight


Note! If the cylinder contains one or more CFC or HCFC refrigerants or several refrigerants mixed together, it cannot be directly reclaimed. Ask Darment sales whether the refrigerant can still be recycled and thus avoid the costs of disposing of the hazardous substance. If the contents of the cylinder delivered to Darment are not suitable for recycling at all, we will deliver it for proper disposal and charge the disposal costs to the customer.